One of thjose finger pointing moments. There are indeed people who do no thinking and live in fear but they ain't Irish
"can the ethiopian change his skin?
", feb. 15, 1904 watch tower.
we answer, no.
One of thjose finger pointing moments. There are indeed people who do no thinking and live in fear but they ain't Irish
i met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
I met old Freddy while working backstage. My impression was he was very glad we got to meet him, no humility. But he could talk like he was on acid.
here is the thing: i tried several times to watch the convention...i just couldn't seem to forge ahead with it.
the reason i wanted to was to be able to engage in conversation about it with some of my old friends that communicate by phone that don't know i have disassociated.
i want to be able to slip in seeds of doubt, but at the same time i have to seem a bit current...) so i welcome to know any take outs, commentary, good or bad, or the video plots, etc.
Even ones who are more or less fully in are commenting on the lack of substance this year. ( best ever?)
Those are either brontosaurus ( resurrected) or soy burgers.
And we make fun of robe wearing winged haloed spirits walking on golden streets. There will have to be a large underclass to make clothing, mine coal, slave in factories,....
i met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
Im in my 70s so all my grandparents were from the 1880s, 90s. I knew them all. We are now losing almost all the ww2 crowd. Ww1 is history, no one remembers it. That was a poignant thought I read where memories turn into history at the time the last ww1 veteran died
did you drive?
if so, how nerve wracking was it for you?
i'd be terrified i'd stop concentrating for a moment and out of habit make a right turn at a red light into oncoming traffic.
Just as a passenger in a taxi in the Bahamas. Absolutely terrifying but city traffic terrifies me anyway. Australian would not let American service men rent cars in t h e Vietnam era. Too dangerous.
a group of 136 countries set a minimum global tax rate of 15% for big corporations.
that is a major goal accomplished by the biden administration.
seehttps://www.wsj.com/articles/countries-agree-to-global-deal-to-curb-tax-avoidance-11633709979 .. if corresponding legislation gets passed into law in the usa it will be much harder for corporations doing business in the usa to move their operations out of the usa to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
A good mail service us one of the few things a government should enable.
Some of the other things b eing done will have to wait and see. Reduced deductions? Ebay income? ( yard sales too?) 87000 new IRS employees willing to use guns?
All left Is brown shirts and lightning insignia.
jehovah's witnesses resume sidewalk carts after pandemic pause, soon will do door knocking.. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/08/05/jehovahs-witnesses-resume-sidewalk-carts-door-knocking-next-list/10168175002/.
The best days were h aving someone else go on a long winded return while I slept.
As for carts, I still have mental scars from wearing little kid sandwich boards. No carts for me.
is the fact that no god/god ever communicates with us evidence that no god/god exists?
i think it is very strong evidence that no personal god/god exits, especially a benevolent god who wants humans to know him him/her/it, to obey him/her/it, and/or to love him/her/it.
since no god/god communicates to us (including those who sincerely want communication with the/a god/god), wouldn't it be sensible for those who pray to what they believe is the/a god/god to cease all efforts to communicate to a god/god?
It brings me to an indifferent or ? god. There is "stuff" in the universe. Was it always there, or made, and who,what,why. If someone made the stuff, who made the maker? If condensed energy where did it come from?
having been a victim of this practice twice, i thought i would see if others had the same experience.
on one occassion, i was before the elders being told i was drunk on a certain day at a certain time.
( this was only brought up because when i was pushing for a meeting because of elder mr x adultery , i was threatened somethings would be brought out about me if i persued the meeting.
We just got a local needs on beware of outsiders or newbies. One point was to tell elders and let them handle it. Partly right except they are clowns. No mention of school age going to dad and/ or mom for flirtings, bad talk, questionable behaviour,. Or talking against elders. Even mentioned carrying a gun. Maybe I can get red flagged.
a couple of my wife's friends are married to non witnesses.
they say jehovah must have special plans for them.
and that it is a special exception not destruction, alas, they are not attractive so my special idea about polygamy won't cut it.
Women who married " out of the truth". Husband nice guy, friendly. Of course any woman who marries anyone not elder material is marked, forever by some.
The official teaching is destruction despite what these women think. You know; " big enemies of God".